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Food Infection

Attack of Dampness on Spleen

1) External attack of damp heat on spleen produces loose offensive stool &burning sensation in anus, food infection or food poisoning हो जाती है। ऐसे दो कारण से होता है।

a) मिलावट वाला भोजन(contaminated food)or unclean food you take then food infection or food poisoning हो जाती है। इस food infection के कारण रोगी को मिचली, वामन एंव दुर्गन्धित दस्त होने लगते है तथा दिन भर low grade fever बना रहता है ओर गुदा मे जलन होतीं है। इसे external attack of humid heat on spleen ही कहते है।

2) External attack of damp cold on spleen causes sweetish taste or absence of taste and heaviness in head & Chest.

1)This is an excess condition .

2) Spleen gives taste in mouth . When dampness obstructs spleen, it affects the Hence, either there is sweet taste or no taste at all.

3) Dampness is heavy & hence flow down -wards and cause vaginal discharge .

4) Thick stickly white coat on tongue indicate dampness.

5) Chronic deficiency of spleen Qi can also cause internal dampness.

6) There is difference between attack of external dampness & internal dampness . In external dampness the white tongue coat will be thick. Internal dampness the white tongue coat will be thin.

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