Colour Therapy

The color therapy which is also known as chromo therapy, colorology or cromatherapy. It has been known for eons of time that color plays a major role in setting up a particular mood or state of mind.
Different colors representing heat, warmth, humidity, dryness, wind and coldness are applied on acupressure points on hands and feet. Balance of your body’s energy is regained by leveraging the spectrum of light.
There are many different ways of giving color, including; Solarized Water, Light boxes/lamps with color filters, color silks and hands on healing using color. Color therapy is distinct from other types of light therapy, such as ultraviolet blood irradiation, which are scientifically-accepted medical treatments for a number of conditions and from photobiology, the scientific study of the effects of light on living organisms. Nothing on this earth is here just by chance; everything in nature is here for a purpose. Color is no exception. All we need to do is to heighten our awareness of the energy of color and how it can transform our lives. A professional therapist will help you to do this. The capacity for health and wellbeing is within us all.