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Seed Therapy

Every seed is blessed with a life in it. This is well explained by the fact that when we sow a seed, it grows into a tree eventually. Keeping this in mind, when we put the seed on the pressure points, it gives life to that region and takes away the disease. Round, spherical shaped seeds of pea and black pepper are known to provide relief to ailments related to eyes, head, knee joints and back problems. The kidney shaped red beans are used to treat kidney and stomach related disorders. The seed with sharp corners are applied by mechanical method and exerts pathological influence on the body.

Pressure is applied on different acupressure points with different shaped seeds. The inherent energy of seeds plays a role here. Seeds are regular household seeds such as methi, matar, rajma, etc.

 A seed have a great life force and come to interact with affected organs and restores their energy potential. Seeds can be used as massagers. To stimulate larger corresponding zones (zones of stomach, liver, lungs) you can use peach, mango stones, walnut, horse chestnut, cones of coniferous trees. For smaller and medium zones of correspondence (heart, urinary bladder, eyes, nose) you can use the stones of dates, acorn, chestnut, hazelnut, alder cones, ripe wheatear, stones of cherry or corn seeds, cedar nut. Bamboo’s trunk or twigs, stalk of flax, lemon, onion bulb, potato tuber, carrot can also be used as massagers.

There is no better option than to get cured the natural way!