Stone are hard masses which form anywhere in the urinary tract. The crystals of salts (commonly contain crystal of calcium oxalate, uric acid, or calcium phosphate) present in urine which is occasionally precipitate and solidify into insoluble stones called renal calculi ( pebbles) or kidney stones.
Other name of stones :-
1) renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis
2) Urolithiasis
Why stones are formed?
Stone are formed because the urine becomes tok saturated with salts that can form stone.
Stone form because the urine lacks the normal inhibitors of stones formation.
Citrate is an inhibitor of stones formation, as it normally binds with calcium.
Calcium is often involved in formation of stone. About 80% of the stone are composed of calcium.
Kidney stones formation tendency runs in families.
People living in hot climate are more often affected with kidney stones, due to dehydration caused by perspiration. Urine becomes more concentrated. It causes kidney stones.
Location of stones
1) kidney stones
2) Ureteral stone
3) bladder stone
1) stones in the urinary bladder may cause pain in the lower abdomen2) stones in ureter or renal pelvis may cause back pain or renal colic.
3) Renal colic is severe pain in flank, lower back, genital area inner thigh & across the abdomen.
4) when the stone passes down the ureter, the patient may have an urge to urinate frequently.
5) other symptoms of stones also help in diagnose the stone.
Who are often affected (causes) by stones?
*Short bowel syndrome
*People with high protein diet
*Mal absoption.
*Inflammatory bowel disease.
*Small bacteria which live in some peoples kidney may start formation of stone in kidney.
*People in hot climate are more often affected with kidney stone.
*Ingestion of excessive calcium.
*Low water intake.
*Abnormally alkaline or acidic urine.
*People who are taking calcium tablet for long time.
*Kidney cleansing remedy.
*Kidney stones formation tendency runs in families.