URTICARIA ( पिती उछलना)
Urticaria is a skin reaction characterized by pale,slightly elevated swelling.
Treatment of urticaria in TCM:
उपचारकों को जानना चाहिये कि पिती
शरीर में horizontally चलती है ! खासकर रात में 9 PM से 11PM में
पिती बढती है ! 9 PM to 9.40 Pm
पर पिती शरीर के upper warmer में
रहती है ! 9.40 PM to 10.20 PM तक पिती middle warmer में रहती
है ! 10.20 to 11:00 PM तक पिती
Lower warmer में चली जाती है !
पिती का उपचार सायं 7 PM के पहले ही करने से रात में 9 बजे उछलने वाली
पिती नही उछलती है !
Urtecaria चार कारणों से हो
सकती है :
1)Urticaria caused by wind heat produces red wheals, hot with severe itching :
There are red wheals
The wheals are hot
There is severe itching
Such urticaria increase due to heat
Such urticaria decreases due to cold.
Other Symptoms : Restlessness, Thirst, Constipation, Red tongue with
thin yellow coating, Rapid & floating pulse.
2) Urticaria caused by wind cold produces pale & white wheals which decrease with heat. Symptoms of urticaria:
Pale & white wheals
Wheals increase due to cold
Wheals decrease with heat
Such utricaria is severe during winter
Such urticaria is mild in Summer.
Other Symptoms:-
Lassitude & fatigue
Pale tongue with thin white coating, Pulse is even & floating.
URTICARIA (पिती उछलना)2
3) Urticaria caused by humid heat in stomach & intestines causes wheals which are accompanied by epigastric pain or nausea & vomiting and constipation or diarrhea:
Symptoms of urticaria:
Wheals are accompanied by
epigastric pain or nausea & vomiting and constipation or diarrhea.
Other Symptoms:- Abdominal pain, Diarrhea or constipation may alternate, Nausea & vomiting,
Yellow & greasy tongue coating, Slippery & rapid pulse.
4) Urticaria caused by Deficiency of Qi & Blood causes recurrent, persistant &
Chronic urticaria which worsen with exertion & cold:
Symptoms of urticaria:
Recurrent, persistent & chronic urticaria, Urticaria is worsened by exertion
Urticaria is worsened by exposure to cold.
Other Symptoms:
Lusterless complexion
Weak limbs
Pale tongue with thin white coating
Deep & thread like pulse.